I just listened to Laibach's Let It Be and I need to talk about it

So a couple of weeks ago I was just reading reddit while killing sometime at work and came across a comment about the album Let It Be by Laibach. The commenter who brought it up said that he has been trying to listen to it, but couldn't make it past track 2. Well I enjoy The Beatles, and that riveting review made me super curious. I added to my phone and promptly forgot about it until my drive to work.

It popped up while I was choosing what to listen to on the drive and said hey sure why not? I didn't know what to expect, and it still somehow caught me off guard.

When the album opened with Get Back and Two Of Us. When I finished those two songs I completely understood why that person had issues getting past track 2. It was honestly not the greatest opening, but hey I want to see this through so I kept listening.

Dig A Pony and I Me Mine were next. I don’t have too much to say about Dig A Pony besides the vocals were cool at times. I Me Mine was awesome and it makes me think that’s what the Beatles would sound like if they were born in Russia and were making a song for the USSR

Across The Universe was honestly the biggest highlight of the album for me. It’s just such a beautiful vocal focus song. The harmonies the sings did is so so so beautiful.

Dig It was another fun song for me. I love the 80s synth drums in it

I’ve Got A Feeling is super super rad because of the crowd singing it back and just the crowd work done in general in it. It’s a close second to Across the Universe for me for sure

The Long and Winding Road is another song I don’t really have anything to say. Just felt like an extension to I’ve Got A Feeling.

One After 909 has this amazing shred guitar solos. It’s a definitely the most fun song on the album for me. Just has a vibe I can’t explain.

For You Blue was an interesting acappella song I’m going to revisit again.

and now finally the last song Maggie Mae. I just love the fun 80s synth drums mixed with patriotic USSR sounding songs.

Would I recommend this album to people? Very rarely. It’s a cool album, but I have no idea who else would want to listen to it


It’s Time To Leave Mars Pt. 1